Front Deck Grip: the new cork pad by RSPro | Photo: RSPro

RSPro announced the launch of a front deck grip exclusively made from cork.

The surf company from Barcelona continues on its quest and vision to get wax out of our surfboards.

After releasing the HexaTraction Grip, a translucent modular configuration that replaces traditional wax, RSPro returns with a one-millimeter, sustainable front foot grip.

"We wanted to have the better board feeling possible, so we reduced the height and cushion between our feet and board to the bare minimum," explains Carles Carrera, founder of RSPro.

Cork not only is a sustainable and energy efficient material, but it also doesn't absorb water and protects the surfboard from high action impacts.

"Traditional pads break, and glue gets adhered to the board together with small pieces of EVA foam. That's why we ended up producing a grip which is a balanced compromise between an EVA pad and surf wax."

The new front deck grip by RSPro can be combined with the HexaTraction Grip in the same surfboard and allows surfers to configure them as they wish in any area of the board.

Unlike the old traction pads, the new cork grip works on all types of boards and is easy to remove. Ready to put surf wax aside forever?

RSPro's Front Deck Grip comes in four pieces of 3.5'' x 16.3'' (9 x 41.3cm) each, and weighs 3.5 ounces (100 grams). It is available for 43€.

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